Check How Google Hires Its Employees Every Year

#2. Building a Good Resume:

A resume is a job applicant’s first impression and is his / her ticket into the job of their choice. It is his / her chance to capture their potential employer’s attention and intrigue their interest.

A good resume irrespective of the company, plays a vital role in being shortlisted for the interview. In fact, it makes or breaks the chances of making the cut. Everyday thousands of eligible candidates are being ignored just because of their weak resumes that fail to get pass through the automation process and are not even read by the right people.

Hence, it is quite essential for a resume to be short and crisp. Avoid fillers and most of all, highlight the proficiencies and quantify the accomplishments, rather than focusing on responsibilities. If you do not process the right credentials to write a proper resume, then letting the right individual handle it on your behalf, might be different in getting shortlisted or being overlooked again.