Can Likability Boost Your Opportunities For Career Growth?

1. Likability Is A Factor In The Job Interview:

Most employers tend to opt for candidates who are sociable and are apt to strict better employee-boss relationship. And the individual who are defensive, reserved and disinterested have slim chances of landing a job.

Likability plays a major role in job interviews and in fact can be a deciding factor. As per Jodi R.R. Smith, founder of Mannersmith Etiquette Consulting, he would prefer to choose the one who is more likable in the interview over the other, because majority of the business is about relationship and the one who is easier to work with on a daily basis is bound to get the nod ahead of his / her competition.

2. Mistakes Are More Easily Forgiven:

It is a fact that likeable individuals are way more approachable than the others. And if you are more approachable, chances are your superiors will be more inclined to forgive you and let you learn from the slip-ups. 

As per Kerri Garbis, the founder of Ovation Communication, likability can make difficult conversations such as workplace performance a lot more constructive and easier.