Can Likability Boost Your Opportunities For Career Growth?

Bangalore: Most people think that likability plays an important role in getting an individual promoted or elevating people to the top at work. The fact is that, contrary to the popular perception, likability is just an added bonus and plays little or no role in the promotions or getting individuals to the top at work.

 A recent study by Joseph Grenny, Co-founder & Co-chairman of ‘VitalSmarts’ and the author of ‘Change Anything’, and his team which analyzed around 1,650 promotions, demystified the misconception that individuals need to be a jerk in order to get promoted. Joseph Grenny said that, “92 percent of the participants felt that proficient employees who lack the necessary interpersonal skills are less likely to get promoted than those who are respectful, polite and candid”.

As per Ritika Trikha of Careerbliss, being too nice or kind is an invitation to opportunists to bully you. She also added that, none of the employers are going to hire or promote a jerk and it was essential to strike a balance in order to succeed in this challenging environment.  

Here is a list of facts about likability, as reported by Ritika Trikha on Careerbliss.