Can Likability Boost Your Opportunities For Career Growth?

3. Social Skills Are Important For Success:

Roy Cohen, the author of The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide, says that “Success is directly related to the social skills of an individual. And the more finely tuned the social skills of an individual are, the more likely will that individual be viewed as a desirable coworker”.

Doing small things such as holding the door open for a colleague behind you, asking how your coworker’s day is going, or a friendly conservation can do wonders and increase your social barometer to a great extent.

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4. Likability Can Also Have Diminishing Returns:

Initially, likability can make you more alluring, can improve communication and get you involved with the colleagues in the office. But if you rely on it too much and invest too much energy trying to charm everyone around you, you will start witnessing the returns diminishing over time.

As per Cohen, if you start depending heavily on likability, overtime people will start to question your true intentions or motives. And the employer will start wondering whether there are satisfactory returns from their investment on you. 

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