Busted! Facts You Didn't Know About Salary Negotiation

3. Do Your Research:

Negotiation requires gathering information, planning appropriate strategies, considering different viewpoints and alternatives, communicating clearly and specifically, and making the right decisions to reach your objective.

It is always advisable to carry out research about what is the market value for the position you are seeking is. Remember that there is a tremendous database of information online as to what the market value for particular positions is. Also remember that you can negotiate many things beyond just salary including benefits, bonuses, training opportunities, promotion, etc.

4. Don’t Assemble a Broad Array of Arguments:

Contrary to the popular perception, there is no need to come up with 20 reasons to establish your worth. One or two robust arguments are actually more effective than throwing out numerous reasons.

Introspect about the strongest reasons why you deserve what you want, and keep the focus of the discussion on those specific reasons.