Busted! Facts You Didn't Know About Salary Negotiation

5. Practice:

If you are the sort of individual who gets the jitters when asking for something and find this matter of salary negotiating even harder than attending the actual interview, then it is advisable to spend valuable time practicing asking. Stand in front of the mirror or a friend and give your reason for asking for more, the suggested figure and your reaction to possible questions, including rejection.

You can also ask your friend to respond with different scenarios so that you can practice every possible scenario. And it is always advisable to never over complicate things.

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6. Always be Realistic and Reasonable:

Never ask for an amount that is above the top end of the market value, unless you have an excellent reason to do so. Again, this is about doing a thorough research, along with using your general knowledge, intuition and knowing how to pitch this just right.

Accept the fact that pushing the negotiation process too far can hurt your cause, and bear in mind that even large and wealthy companies need to remain profitable by not blowing up employee salaries to a ridiculous level.

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