Busted! Facts You Didn't Know About Salary Negotiation

1. You Actually Have To Ask:

Negotiation is a conversation, and it is a fact that most hiring managers are perfectly happy with things as they are and tend to avoid such conversations. Hence you have to take the initiative and have to ask.

Leaving things as they are is indirectly beneficial to the hiring managers. It saves their time and money. Also, they don’t have to give any incentives that you may deserve. Do bear in mind that it is your responsibility to change the status quotient, hence if you hesitate to ask for a change, you will be the loser and the change will never happen.

2. Don’t Be Afraid:

Know your worth and never hesitate or be afraid to ask. It is very essential for you to be excited to negotiate. Remember if an employer is extending an offer that means your skills are in demand. Do bear in mind that negotiating a new job offer is one of the greatest opportunities in your career to significantly increase your salary and for a better future.