Brainteasers: Good Hiring Criteria?
1. To Screen Candidate:
As we all know, brain puzzles are one of the main sections in interview screening. It sometimes fascinates when a coder hired based on his/her performance in riddles, puzzles and optical illusions and so on. The question is whether these questions result in missing out a strong applicant who is not good at these brain teasers. Actually it is. But companies set this to evaluate the candidates’ performance in real-world circumstances as it can be occur in a job place.
2. To Think on Your Feet:
With some incomprehensible subjects in interview, candidates are asked to use their intelligence, creativity and analytical skills to answer them. This way, your capability will be evaluated to think on their feet. ‘How many golf balls can you stuff into a Boeing 777?’ Is it making any sense in an interview? Of course, your hiring manager does not want the perfect answer, but he wants to know how you can think out of the box.