Brainteasers: Good Hiring Criteria?

3. Processing Information:

Your hiring manager will not be concerned with the accurate answer; perhaps he is examining your thought process. He needs to know how logically and systematically you work to solve particular tasks. Mainly these brainteaser puzzles are coming in two flavours; one is of asking the market size and other is of consulting case. Look at this question, ‘How many bowling balls are sold in Brazil annually?’ To crack this type of questions, you need to use the trick to start big and take it one step at a time.  



4. Brain storming:

As the technologies progressed in such a level to feed all information on your monitor, your hiring manager may not need what you rehearsed but what you are like. When he beats your head with some silly and illogical questions, you need to solve them in a logical manner. As your interviewer wants a brain-storming section right now with these strange questions, give them all your ideas on that. It will display your analytical ability and thought process. Moreover, you will be able to keep engaged in discussions with your interviewer and you will get some cues from the talks.