I Hate This Job, Should I Change Career?

I Hate This Job, Should I Change Career?

Bangalore: Have you found you started saying, ‘I hate my job!”? Do you think you should change your job? Or do you think changing jobs can help you out? I must say, ‘no’. You should analyze your career from the start to till today. Starting from the question, what do you want to be? What did you expect from your job? And did it satisfy? Had you chosen your career over passion or money? Yeah, it does matter in your career growth.

There are three categories of candidates according to my perspective. The first one occupies more passionate careerists who are dedicated to their professional choice; they will be more competent people in their profession. Are you one out of that? Probably, you will not be the one among them. These people will be more aggressive towards their profession and love taking challenges. People are there who did choose their career out of money. Yeah, they are more passionate towards money than career. Well, many of them made great employees as well. Wherever they are employed, they probably make themselves more aggressive and competent. These two categories will do well in their profession where the first group cannot adopt changing their career; those who are driven by money will possibly adopt any job change.

The third group will face a crucial time in their career as they are not passionate. With their less emotional quotient, they find it difficult to decide what they actually want. Many might have got a wrong job, according to them which they didn’t wish for. Few are those who struggle when their job profile changed. Some might have chosen a wrong profession as they couldn’t even figure out what they actually are. It doesn’t mean you are out of the loop with incompetence. But chances are high to lose interest in your work. Most of the multi-talented people lie in this category. Either you may find everything is interesting and pleasing or everything is dull to experiment and nothing worthy enough. You need to dig it out your true mind.