It's Better to Choose a Startup Over a Corporate Job

Bangalore: It’s absolutely true that a corporate job can pay you better than a Startup with variety of benefits. Each one of you will graduate from your colleges with a prestigious degree in your hand to explore the world in a different way. By the time you graduate, you would have designed a clear picture of what’s next. As the pattern of campus interviews are growing day by day in India, many young minds would have been offered a couple of job offers to choose. But have you ever thought what about the rest who have not got any sought of placement opportunities? You may say, they can get job offers once they are graduated. But how sure are you, that they can definitely get a job in this tough competitive world later anytime? So, other than being tagged as an unlucky graduate, it is better to make our own choice between waiting for a high-paying job offer and a small startup that has started to challenge the tough economy. It is up to one’s own mind to take the decision, but before dropping a job offer from a startup, it is better to know about their product, start believing in their mission and try to like their approach.

But at the end, it’s completely left to you whether you want to take it up or just drop it. Before taking any sought of wrong decision here are few reasons why you should enter a startup world instead of opting a corporate job, as reported by Kerrin Sheldon on Technology Digg Newsroom Website.

1. You will be more responsible:

If you start working for a startup company, you will possibly be a part of a small team. So, as you are working in a small team, there will probably be no one who has the same skills as of you, and also there will be no one who can approach the problems the way you do. At this situation you will be responsible of handling many things. This can be a good sign for you as well because once you take up the responsibility, you will get an experience of handling difficult tasks whenever needed and it also helps you to be more productive at work. But this could be different in a big MNC company because very rarely your employers rely completely upon you. So, it is up to you whether you want to take up challenges or not.