Google Overtakes Facebook in Employee Satisfaction

Google Overtakes Facebook in Employee Satisfaction

Bangalore: Google, the internet giant has appeared to the ‘best place to work’ overtaking Facebook in 2012’s ranking, according to a survey conducted by career website Glassdoor, reports the ANI.

This achievement by the Google came after four long years as Facebook had ruled this crown from the past four years.

It has been reported that, these two tech giants are in neck to neck competition in terms of what their employees think about their CEOs. Google’s CEO Larry Page earned 94 percent approval ratings by his employees which were just 2 percent higher than that of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, reported the Huffington post, reports The Times of India.

In 2011’s ranking, Facebook was ranked 2 spots higher on the list than Google. Ratings were based on at least 10 reviews per year and it was also based on a 5 point scale.

Google employees also took many other angles before considering their company as the best place to work in like they ranked their company on the basis of food as a ‘Pro’ of working at the company [Google: 29 percent, Facebook: 25 percent], Benefits [Google: 21 percent, Facebook: 17 percent], and perks [Google: 21 percent, Facebook: 12 percent], reports the tech Crunch.

Regarding the salary and compensation, there was a favorable opinion by the employees of both the companies. Glassdoor, also found that the long working hours and work/ life balance were the biggest drawbacks when it comes to Facebook as many of its employees were dissatisfied by these two factors when it came to Google employees. [About 9 percent of Facebook employees complained about long working hours where as just 3 percent of Google’s employees complained so].

However, the office politics and stress were more reported by the Google’s employees than Facebook employees.