Employers are Now Checking out Your Facebook Pics!!! Beware

Bangalore: Apart from being a popular addictive social networking site, Facebook today has emerged as a job search tool that helps job seekers from all over the world to post status updates about the type of job they are looking for and employers post hiring and job updates. But one should definitely keep in mind that employers may also easily judge you and scrutinize you based on your Facebook Profile. If precautions are not taken, your Facebook pictures and status updates can be easily searched by the potential employers based on that you can be hired or fired.   

According to Philly.com, in 2009 more than 2,600 hiring managers were surveyed by CareerBuilder, in which 35 percent of them had rejected applicants after finding objectionable photos of them using drugs. Bad-mouthing previous employers and lying about their qualifications were the other reasons of their rejection.

One should be very careful about posting pictures in the Facebook that can annoy the hiring managers and keep them from bagging a great offer. As Max Drucker, CEO of Social Intelligence of Santa Barbara, California says “We found a picture of a person wearing a T-shirt with flagrantly racist remarks.” This kind of statements gives us hints that no employers would like to hire employees who are racist.