Companies With Least Loyal Employees In The World

Bangalore: Take five employees in the job market, chances are by the end of the year, only 3 or sometimes only 2 will be in the same job.

In the present day’s job market, the average working tenure of an employee in a firm is less than 4 years. This is a far cry away from the decades of tenure that used to be quite common in the previous century and is an indicator of an unfortunate reality that jobs don’t last like they used to.

With this is mind, we have put together a list of companies with the least loyal employees among the Fortune 500 list, based on the PayScale report which is titled “Companies With The Most And Least Loyal Employees”. And surprisingly renowned firms such as Google and Amazon are slotted at the second and fourth position respectively, and there are no Indian firms in the list, which means to say the employees in India are far better than the rest when it comes to attrition rate.  

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