Companies With Least Loyal Employees In The World

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

Median Employee Age: 38

Median Tenure: 0.8 (Years)

Median Pay: $60,000

Rank: 1

The 93rd ranked firm in the Fortune 500 list (as of 2010), Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, has registered the least employee tenure among all the Fortune 500 companies. An average employee at the firm is expected to last only for 8 months and the possible reason behind this short stint is the high level of stress and pressure associated with the demand for huge turnovers.    

American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (AFLAC)

Median Employee Age: 38

Median Tenure: 1.0 (Years)

Median Pay: $38,000

Rank: 2 (Tie)

Established in 1955, AFLAC is the largest provider of supplemental insurance in the U.S. And since a majority of the workforce in the company is associated with sales, which is a family known for huge turnover, naturally the stress and pressure levels related to the job are off the chart. This can be deemed as the major reason behind this short tenure of the employees.

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