Best Counters To 9 Common Interview Questions

Bangalore: With a fierce competition for available jobs, numerous employers are in a tight spot of having to choose the best from the available lot of highly qualified candidates. And since these employers have the luxury to be selective, many are implementing new approaches to screen applicants more cautiously. One popular tactic is to slot in intricate and potentially unsettling questions into the standard job interview inventory with a view to prompt improvised or impulsive answers that may give a clearer picture of a job seeker's true proficiencies and capabilities.

These questions help employers reduce the rate of bad hires and present a new kind of challenge for the job seekers. In order to make a strong sales pitch during the screening process, candidates must now not only illustrate their job critical skills and work capabilities, but also should give evidence on how fast can they think on their feet and how gracefully can they soak in pressure. Though the prospect of being asked these interview questions may be scary, with a little bit of practice and offbeat thinking applicants can turn them to their advantage and use them to stand out from the rest.

Are you geared up to get started? Here are a few classic unpleasant interview questions that every job seeker should be prepared to answer, along with the stratagems on how to use them to your advantage, as listed on HubPages.