Best Counters To 9 Common Interview Questions

1. Are You Overqualified For This Position?

In the current uncertain job market it is common for people to apply for jobs that are way below their payscale or for positions for which they are overqualified. And the reason why recruiters come up with this question is because they are either worried that a particular candidate will cause problems with the line manager or leave the job as soon as a better opportunity comes along.

If you ever apply for a job which is way below your standards, be absolutely certain in your own mind as to why you want the job you have currently applied for. And you can revert to this question by stating that “Yes, on paper I do appear to be overqualified for the open position. But I have made a major lifestyle shift over the last year and I am no longer interested or looking to be associated previous rank or position. I believe that the additional knowledge and expertise I bring in to the table can be an asset to the organization.”

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