9 Worst Things about Job Hunting

6. Reveals the current pay package but not being informed the salary range of your prospective employer

Most of the candidates are asked to reveal their current pay package while their prospective employer doesn’t reveal the salary range they pay for the particular job post. Employers keep their salary range unsaid to hire a candidate at lower price. It is better if employers can reveal their pay package, so that it is better for the candidates to decide whether s/he needs to look for the job or not.

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7. You told to get a small increase on your current salary, not told to get paid for the work you will be assigned

The worst trickiest thing every employer does to a candidate is offering a small increase on their current salary. Most of the employers tend to do the same and they will not care to pay for what their prospective employees can contribute to their organization. This is really unfair, where few candidates are low paid in their current organization.