9 Worst Things about Job Hunting

4. Scheduled for a phone interview but neither interviewed nor informed

Again it’s a worst experience when you are scheduled for a telephone interview and if the employer failed to call you on time. Sometimes, they even bother to apologize and reschedule the interview. By the time, you might have tried to know about the company, don’t you feel bad when you wasted time for a company which doesn’t value a candidate’s time? You probably had spent some more by rescheduling your other works for the particular interview.

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5. Interviewed: but reverted back?

Sometimes, you may be asked to attend the interview in a distant place. After taken off leave from your current work and spent the travel expenses and other, it is very much disappointing when you are not hearing anything back. The ‘post-interview stress’ will be there for many days while you end up waiting and waiting for the answer. It is better to know whether you could pass the interview or not, rather than kept waiting for long time.