9 Worst Things about Job Hunting

2. Poorly working online application systems

As today’s competitive tech world offers the faster communication channels, we are blessed to have the online job application forums. At present, almost all the companies have owned their own websites and you will find out jobs/careers of the organization listed over there. All you need to do is just upload or fill your Resume in the respective columns. But many of the companies’ online job application have been found, not working properly. Sometimes, the system will not help in uploading resumes, and most of the times you will find that those yes / no questions are not being applicable for you.

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3. Entirely different job descriptions and the actual job

Many times, while interviewing only you will find out the job description you went through and the real job is quite different. Yeah, there are some job descriptions which they put advertisements can lead you wrong. For many, it happens as they rarely find similarities to the job description and the actual nature of the job.