8 Most Unlucky Jobs of All Time

Dog Waste Researcher

This is the most disgusting job on the list. Responsibilities of a dog waste researcher include collecting dog poop and later analyzing them using a variety of tests and examination techniques, which is definitely not on the wish list of any individual.

Maggot Farmer

Cashing in on the demand for maggot trade is a great business idea, but the experience of work with one of the most disgusting creatures known to mankind and enduring the stinking smell of rotten meat used to feed them over the ammonia secreted by these miserable beings to fend off bacteria, can be an agonizing pain that can haunt you for the rest of your life.

Medical Research Patient

Yes, being a medical research patient can be highly rewarding, but these rewards come at a cost. The experimental procedures, medications and treatments conducted on these individuals can be uncomfortable, painful and sometimes may even entail serious or life-threatening side effects. 

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