8 Mind Games Played By Recruiters to Test the Candidates

Recruiters Will Listen Closely For Your Adverb Usage, Since Low Performers Use 40 Percent More Adverbs than High Performers

As per Murphy, high performers tend to give answers that are direct, factual and in the past tense. They don’t prefer to glorify their answers with the use of qualifiers. On the other hand, low performers generally opt to glorify their answers with the use of adverbs, since the facts probably don’t speak well enough on their own.

Furthermore, low performers are 90 percent more likely to counter with pessimistic or negative emotions compared to the high performers.   

Interviewers Listen to Your Verb Tense When You Answer a Question

This is another very important criterion, which you might not be aware of. As per a survey, high performers are 40 percent more likely to use past tense while answering than compared to the lower performers. It was also revealed that lower performers are more than 120 percent likely to use present tense and 70 percent more like to use future tense, compared to a high performer.

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