8 Mind Games Played By Recruiters to Test the Candidates

Recruiters Will Carefully Assess Whether You Converse In the Active Voice

The usage of passive voice can land you in trouble and hinder your chances of landing a dream job. This is because, passive voice is considered by recruiters as something that is used by individuals who are trying to glorify their candidature and sound smarter than they actually are.    

Interviewers Assess the Usage of Words Such As ‘Always’ and ‘Never’, As Low Performers Use It Absolutely 100 Percent More Often Than High Performer

Recruiters view the excessive usage of words such as ‘always’ and ‘never’ as red flags to your candidature. As per the recruiters, individuals who use these kinds of words are generally considered as low performers and as a result of which they will in all probability opt not to hire such individuals. 

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7 Interview Brain-Teasers That Can Make You Sweat