8 Mind Games Played By Recruiters to Test the Candidates

Recruiters Will Pause For a Discomforting Silence Just To Get You Talking

Imagine a sudden silence in the middle of an interview? This is literally, one of the most awful and discomforting experience one can ever undergo in their life.

Recruiters use this trick to amplify the stress associated with the screening process by adding a degree of discomfort. They do so with a view to crack the interviewee from inside and make them reveal uncomfortable facts that were not meant to be disclosed.       

Recruiters Will Ask Specific Questions Related to Your Previous Boss to Get You in Honest Mode

This is a psychological trick that is intended to switch you to honest mode. As per Murphy, when recruiters ask specific information about the previous employer, for instance the spelling of the interviewee’s ex-boss at the beginning of the interview, the interviewee will be immediately put in honest mode, since he/she thinks that his/her former employer may be contacted for cross-verification.

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