7 Office Entities Headed For the Graveyard

2. Fax Machines:

Fax machines once were the most popular means of transferring paper documents from one place to another. Practical models of fax machines date back to 1920s and initially was used to send news pictures and whether maps. Since these machines use separate transmission channels and different technology than other means of transmitting images, they incorporate certain inherent advantages and disadvantages.

Some of the advantages include fast, simple and cost effective nature. While the drawbacks include need for a separate space, telephone line, power / electricity, paper for sending and receiving faxes, unreliability, cumbersome working mechanism, and other managing problems. These drawbacks have led to the down fall of these once coveted tools.

Though fax machines are still used today in the world of business, they are not considered as reliable options. The advent of scan-and-send technology, e-faxing and considering how annoying regular faxing can be, the end of fax machines is nearer than expected.

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