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3. Tape Recorders:

A tape recorder is basically a small, portable machine that picks up, record and store sound on a cassette to be played back at a later time. Tape recorders can be used in any number of ways and in multiple professions or studies. Many use these devices to take notes or make personal notes on things.

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With the advancement in technology, the tape recorders have given way for digital voice recorder. Also the advances in size, audio quality, playback options, and interfacing have contributed significantly to the downfall on tape recorders.

Though, tape recorders have had hundreds of models and improvements throughout the years, it failed to match up with the features of current digital recorders such as multiple file saves, indexing, digital upload capabilities, and so on.

In addition, the current voice recording technologies hindered the growth of tape recorder and limited its scope of abilities. As a result of which they are used mush less than popular mp3 players and Smart phones.

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