7 Office Entities Headed For the Graveyard

1. Rolodex:

Rolodex is first on the list of office tools relegated to the artifact status. It was first invented in 1956 and is basically a rotating file device that is used as a personal organizer to store business contact information. Rolodex helps an individual to build his /her own social network. It holds specially shaped index cards and the user writes the contact and other information of a person or a company on each card. Rolodex has been a regular fixture on most office desks well into the computer age, but is likely to be seen only on exhibit within the next few years.

The social networking sites are considered to be the main culprit responsible for the downfall of this once precious personal organizer. Presently, social networking sites offer dynamic ways to interact and connect with people. There are hundreds of social networking mediums that offer sites which are dedicated to sharing travel information, photos and links, as well as other sites for those who are interested in music, cars or blogging, and act as a portable personal organizer.

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