7 Interview Brain-Teasers That Can Make You Sweat
T3 Trading: A Scientist Puts Bacteria In A Petri Dish At Exactly Noon. Every Minute, The Bacteria Divides Into Two. At Exactly 1 PM, The Petri Dish Is Full. At What Time Was The Dish Half Full?
Propriety Trader aspirants who were screened by T3 Trading Group were asked to answer this question in March 2013.
To answer this question you don’t have to think exponential or take into consideration, the type of bacteria that is in the dish.
Don’t over think and strain yourself. If the petri dish is full at 1 pm and if the bacteria doubles every minute, the dish must be half-full at exactly one minute prior to when it was full, i.e. at 12.59 pm.
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