6 Lessons from Mahabharata for Workplace Success

3. Consequences of a Decision:

Decisions do not exist in isolation and are interpreted differently by different individuals.
Every individual perceives it from their own individual point of view and thus, every decision contributes to the measure of the one’s own value.

In the Mahabharata, Yudhishtira’s coronation in the newly built capital city of Indraprastha was attended by all the kings of the earth. During the coronation, the priests asked him to honor his guests and the first one to be honored had to be the most respected individual in the guest list.

Yudhishtira and his brothers, the Pandavas, were unanimous about their decision and decided to honor Krishna. But unfortunately, this did not go well with the other dignitaries present at the ceremony. They took this as an insult and raised objections. Tempers flared at the coronation ceremony, heated words were exchanged, and finally violence broke out.

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