6 Lessons from Mahabharata for Workplace Success

4. What Is Fair In Business Partnership?

In the ancient times, there were two asura brothers who were inseparable, and hence, indestructible. Threatened by their rising power, Indra, ruler of devas, made a wicked plan. He sent Tilotamma, an apsara, to seduce and destroy the evil brothers. Enslaved by her beauty both the brothers wanted to marry the apsara. But Tilotamma told that she would marry the stronger of the two and set a fight between the two, which eventually led to their end.

This was the story narrated by Narad exclaiming the risks of having a common wife to the Pandavas, which eventually led to the decision that each one of them would be husband to Draupadi for a year exclusively, in turns.

The brothers thought the decision regarding the common wife was fair and no one of course bothered to consult the daughter of Drupada. Who would have been the choice if the decision was left to Draupadi and would it be fair?

In business it is extremely hard and tricky to weigh both effort and fruits of labor. Which one is a fair decision and which one is not? And who decides what is fair? After all, fairness is biased and subjective.

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