6 Career Options for People Who Are Fond of Illegal Activities

Home Security Specialist

Do you have a knack for breaking into homes and escape unharmed? Your skills can be worth millions if you enroll as a home security specialist and prevent the next big burglary in your vicinity.

Not only does the job satisfy your hunger break and enter into other’s property, but the fact that you get paid for what you love to do makes it a highly satisfying career option for people with a knack for burglary.

Rapo Man

Do you have a gift for opening locked doors of cars and other vehicles? Consider being a Rapo Man instead of being a car or auto thief.

Though this is not as rewarding or satisfying as some of the other professions in the list, a perfectly straight and legal job of being a rapo man can help you earn a respectable living and stay out of prison.

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