4 Companies Where Work Seems More Like Play

Bangalore: From cubicles to cafeteria, life at the office can be pretty dull, monotonous, uninteresting, and at times, extremely excruciating.

But some companies have realized that a little bit of creative and a few extra perks can go a long way towards keeping the employees happy and making them more productive.

Here is a brief overview of 4 companies where work seems more like play, as reported by Aparna Sudaresan of Rediff based on the inputs by Youthincorporated.


The world’s largest software maker in terms of revenues is known for its amazingly generous employee benefits and best of the class employee perks.

From TVs, Xbox rooms, gymnasium and table tennis equipments to cricket grounds, basketball courts and free Windows 8 phones, this renowned software conglomerate offers state-of-the-art employee benefits that encourage its workforce to operate at the peak of their abilities and churn out innovative products day-in and day-out.

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