5 Low-Stress Jobs for IT Pros

4. Configuration (or presales) engineer:

It is a customer-facing job either, where you need to configure PCs according to the specified demands of your customer. Once the purchased order got sanctioned, you can move to next client.  The stress will be less here as you are working with customers who are aware of the technology. Of course, you need to examine, query and clean up the requirement asked by the client. Sometimes it can be head-aching when you find out the components are mismatched, out of stock or if the configured system will not work as if they want.

5. Computer lab support:

Being a computer lab supporter will be one of the least stressful IT job you can find. Many of the educational organizations such as schools and colleges are having at least one computer lab, computer lab supporters can be accommodated easily. Here, you need not be worried about unbreakable IT projects. You will be asked to explain the basic things in which you are already an expert. Yeah, as the stress is low, pay package also is very low. If you don’t mind your earnings than the stressful job, you can share your knowledge with students in colleges or schools.