5 Degrees that Can Leave You Deserted After Graduation

#2. Architecture:

Are you fascinated by soaring structures and thinking of majoring in architecture? If so, get at ease, as you will all probability be in college for a longer period than most of your friends. Also when you do hit the job market, things can get really ugly very quickly.

As per the Georgetown report, the occupation-specific majors such as architecture suffered a lot due to recession in recent times and fared worse than other majors. This explains why the jobs outlook for this profession isn't exactly bright. Recent grads in this field had to face daunting unemployment figures of around 13.9 percent, which is not very encouraging.

As per Safani, this major by themselves are not necessarily to blame for this situation. She points out the major economic shifts during this period have had a major impact on this field. And as per her, the construction industry has been hit the hardest due the recent economic slump, which reflects the shrinking of demand for these grads.