5 Degrees that Can Leave You Deserted After Graduation

#1. Anthropology:

Though anthropology major can be perfect-fit for individuals who are fascinated by people, culture and the society, enter the field at your own risk and be prepared to compete for one of very few job opportunities at the end of your educational journey.

As per Safani, the opportunities for these grads are few and far in-between. And these grads are most likely to land a job in laboratories or academic settings. To make the matters worse, the limited employment opportunities may demand advanced degrees. She also added that, if an individual fails to land a job in an academic setting, he/she might have trouble landing a job elsewhere, as it is very difficult to make the connection between the skills learned through the degree and the required job critical skills in other fields.

As per Georgetown report, recent graduates who majored in this field have to face a terrifying unemployment figure of 10.5 percent.

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