15 Countries with Most Hardworking Employees

15. France:
Yes, France has been ranked in the 15th place, as around 89 percent of the French professionals get benefitted even by the vacation days allotted to them. So, on this basis you can consider French citizens are less workaholic when compared to other 14 nations citizens mentioned in this list.
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14. Mexico:
Mexicans were once stated as the people who are very lazy. However, as per this survey conducted by Ipsos Global and Reuters Mexico has been ranked as the 14th nation with hardest working employees. To prove it, the survey mentioned that only 68 percent of the Mexican professionals take all the fixed paid holidays. Apart from that, the survey also mentioned that the Mexican professionals work for 1,857 hours in a year, which can be considered higher than the people work in England, United States and Spain etc, reports the OECD survey.
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