15 Countries with Most Hardworking Employees

Bangalore: Who are called as the hard working employees? Well, as everyone knows, they are the people who work with lot of hardworking nature like spending more time on their professional work, as well as those who use their smartness to show themselves as the efficient workers. Well, apart from these, in most of the nations which consists lot of hardworking employees, are likely to spend their time working at their work stations even on Saturdays and Sundays, if the work demands.

For your surprise, even India has made up to the list of top 15 hard working countries, according to a survey conducted by Ipsos Global and Reuters. This survey also mentioned that, in most of the countries which consists of large number of full-time workers will get an opportunity to take paid holidays, if they serve their full0time at workplace most of the days.

You all might be waiting to know which rank has India got in the list of nations with highest number of hardworking employees. If you are so curious, take a look at the top 15 countries that have the highest number of hardworking employees, as per the survey done by Ipsos Global and Reuters, as reported on rediff business website and information from other sources as well.