15 Countries with Most Hardworking Employees

13. Russia:
In Russia, its employees have been ranked 13th hardworking employees in the world, as only 67 percent of the Russian employees take the benefit of their paid leave allotted to them. In a year, Russians are received 12 government holidays and most of the Russian professionals work approximately around 1,997 hours in a year, which is better than that of Mexican employees who work for around 1,857 hours in a year.

12. Italy:
Well in Italy, according to the OECD report, approximately 7 percent of the Italian men work for more very long hours when compared with that of Italian women, where only just 2 percent of the women professionals work for long hours. Just like in other countries, in Italy too, men spend more time on paid work when compared to that of women. As per the Ipsos Global and Reuters survey, 66.5 percent Italians take the benefit of their paid holidays, and they also receive 11 government holidays. Here the employees spend around 1,773 hours in a year in their paid work.