10 Most Luxurious Workplace Perks

Organic Cuisine

Some Employers are offering organic home-cooked meals twice a day, with a view to make their employee’s life a bit easier. They have hired several full-time chefs who are responsible for preparing an organic lunch and dinner every day, customized to individual diet preferences, which is no small task, since there are vegetarians, meat-eaters and pescatarians on campus.

Companies with this facility include the likes of Vermont based automotive web solutions provider, Dealer.com.

On-site Laundry/Dry Cleaning

This is another perk that is implemented with a view to attract the best of the available talent. At a time when most employees crave for superior work-life balance, this facility is surely an attractive perk that is bound to lure several aspirants.

Some of the renowned companies who offer this facility include the likes of biggies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter. 

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