10 Countries That Are Hiring the Most in 2013

6. Germany:

Germany appears to have one of the most aggressive hiring trends among the European countries. Thought Germany does not share the same reputation as its southern European nations for being warm and friendly, it is definitely a hotspot for employment opportunities. Approximately 29 percent of the employers in the country are planning to ramp up their employee strength. While about 56 percent of the employers are expecting to hold on the present employee strength.     

Also the economy of Germany is in a better shape and about 45 percent of the employers are at a good financial situation to ramp employee strength.

5. U.S.:

Thanks to positive economic policies, the employment trend in the U.S. seems to be signaling an improving employment environment. A healthy 26 percent of the employers in the country have plans to ramp up the workforce this year. While about 62 percent of the employers are at a favorable financial situation that supports hiring.

Construction, manufacturing, retail trade, professional & business services, education and health services have emerged as the major employers that are offering huge employment opportunities.   

Also the aging workforce is changing the face of the workforce in the country, and this demographic shift is creating huge employment opportunities across a wide variety of sectors.