10 Countries That Are Hiring the Most in 2013

8. Japan:

The employment opportunities in the second largest developed economy in the world, Japan, are up by 22 percent compared to the previous year. While about 59 percent of the employers are planning to hold on to the present workforce. The survey also suggested that approximately 34 percent of the employers are in a good financial shape to hire fresh recruits.

The major employer in Japan is the manufacturing sector, which also accounts for a majority of the county’s GDP.

7. UK:

The recent loss of UK’s triple-A rating seems to have no major impact on the employers in the country. This is evident by the fact that though the country is struggling to emerge from economic slowdown, about 30 percent of the employers in the country are planning to ramp up the employee strength. And approximately 49 percent of the employers are displaying stability in terms of holding on to the present employee strength, which is a good sign.