10 Countries That Are Hiring the Most in 2013

4. China:

The aging workforce and the ever increasing presence of foreign investors, coupled with constructive policies have created an employment boom in China. Presently a staggering 52 percent of the employers in the country are all set to hire and about 67 percent of the employers in China are in a better financial shape that facilitates hiring.   

Agriculture, power and manufacturing are the major sectors of the country where a majority of employment opportunities exist.

3. Russia:

The economy of Russia is considered as a developing one by IMF and World Bank. The abundance of fossil fuels and precious metal are driving force of this economy. Presently about 48 percent of the employers in the country have plans to ramp up the workforce. Also Russian economy is one of the strongest in the world, which is reflected by the number of employers in good financial positions. Currently, approximately 63 percent of the employers are in good financial condition that facilitates hiring.