10 Linkedln Profile Insights For Job Seekers

Have at Least 50 Connections

Connections on LinkedIn hold scared to many a friendly user as they easily fall into the ‘worthy’ category and for those who don’t, well they make quite the opposite impression. Three of which comes to mind when recruiters find candidates having 50 or fewer connections

  1. The hermit who in his/her life of solitude has only a few connections.

  2. The user is probably a bit paranoid, therefore keeps a low profile

  3. Technology and social media intimidate the user.

Giving out these signs or vibes is sure to scare of any recruiter who shows the remotest interest in a user’s profile. It is also advisable not to go overboard and flash one’s connection like a badge of honor, the ideal number of connections would linger between 50-100 people as a starting point. 

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