5 Tips for Prosperous Careers in Education

#2.Elementary school teacher

Elementary school teachers are who prepare younger students for future schooling by teaching them basic subjects such as math and reading. They must have a bachelor’s degree and a state-issued certification or license. They work in both public and private schools.

Michelle Warner, who teaches second grade at a public school in suburban Virginia, said, “Make sure you set boundaries for your teaching responsibilities so that you don’t allow your personal life to become neglected. Happy people, who engage in activities for themselves after school and on weekends, make much more interesting and energetic teachers. Despite the stifling obsession with alignment, objectives, and assessment in our schools, (especially the underperforming ones,) try to find ways to integrate creativity and opportunities for unique self expression into your classroom. It will help you avoid burnout and foster self confidence and joy in your students.”

#3.Paraprofessional educator

Paraprofessional educator is a non-certified instructional staff person who does not hold the position of teacher, but assists in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher. 

James White, who works as a paraprofessional at an elementary school in rural Alaska, said, “Find an age group, subject matter, culture, location, etc. that you’re truly passionate about. One that will make work a joy — rather than a stress — and everything will fall in place from there. You see far too many educators burn out far too young or far too early in their careers because they let the work stress them out.”

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