5 Tips for Prosperous Careers in Education

BANGALORE: Teachers play a very important role in shaping the lives of children. Teachers possess many roles, qualities and skills. To take up teaching as a career, you require a passion for exchanging ideas, knowledge and creativity in teaching styles. Great teachers will always be in demand and here are few tips from teachers of all types, as compiled by Susan Shain, Brazen career

#1.Private high school teacher

Teachers in private schools may not be required to have certifications or specific degrees to teach in their subject areas. They are not always required to have a four -year degree, however, a bachelor’s degree will favor them to get a job.

Simon Jarcho, a teacher at a private school in Chicago who teaches high-school math and who doesn’t have a teaching certificate and has only a four-year college degree said,  “There are many paths into teaching, and passion for the job can, at least at an independent school, trump credentials. However, this does not mean you can approach this field casually, or without thorough preparation. If you want to stand in front of students and claim to contribute to their future, then you owe it to them to pour every ounce of your energy into every day. That sounds idealistic, but that’s kind of the point. You should also take every opportunity to grow professionally. This could mean sitting in on other teachers’ classes, going to conferences, or even changing schools after a few years. Like your students, you need to be prepared to learn, grow, and adapt at every opportunity.”

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