Kauser Khan
Founder and MD
Corporate training is always a very good indicator of economic activity: when companies slow down they often cut training spending, and then as business grows they ramp back up to train new hires, sales people, and leaders. This is among the most discretionary of all corporate spending areas, so it is an excellent bellwether for business confidence. Organizations today suffer from a ‘skills supply chain’ challenge. Not only this, more than 70 percent of them cites "capability gaps" as one of their top five challenges, but many companies also tells that it takes 3-5 years to take a seasoned professional and make them fully productive. And the skills challenge is huge.
Identifying the skill challenge and coming to the rescue is Bangalore based PROTOCOL, a corporate training company that specializes in Corporate Training, Personality Development, Soft Skills Training, Presentation and Communication Skills, Image Consultation, Dining Etiquette and many more. A premium lead organization, PROTOCOL is one of the finest confidence building centers in Bangalore imparting admirable etiquette, excellent communication and smart body language and social skills.
The Genesis
The journey of PROTOCOL dates back to 2006. The company was founded by two passionate individuals - Kauser Khan with a vision to build one of the finest Finishing Schools for people from all walks of life. Explicating on this Kauser speaks, “We understand the importance of soft skills, importance of creating an image for yourself, especially if you're an entrepreneur and the skills that are developed due to requirement of trying to skill Indians into becoming global professionals. We observed the real need of the individuals and organizations pertaining to honing the skills of their employees and thought to come up with specialized corporate training programs and workshops to meet the needs”. To this, Fareed adds, “The primary idea was to make individuals confident in what they do. It is required to make them confident as they represent their flag and their nation”. Over the years, PROTOCOL has delivered corporate training programs that cover all aspects of etiquettes and behavior, personality development, effective communication skills, soft skill training, and specialized training for women at team and individual levels.
Tailored to your personal needs emphasizing on appearance, behavior and communication, PROTOCOL delivers high impact professional, executive presence and global professional programs that have been highly appreciated and made mandatory in organizations like Robert Bosch, Accenture, Mercedes Benz, SAP India, IFB, Syngene, Biocon International, to name a few. The company has also set its footprints in organizing various Workshops and Individual Training Programs on Interview skills and Resume Development, Presentation skills, Assertive Communication, Leadership skills, Business Etiquette, Personal Grooming,
Confidence Building in Children, Basic and Advanced English speaking.
Reap Benefits with PROTOCOL Corporate Training Programs
While the success of an organization is dependent on many different factors there is enough evidence in the real world around us to suggest that it pays to take care of how we project ourselves with our clients or coworkers. Believing this, team PROTOCOL specifically designs their training programs for groups who yearn for polishing their skills and improving their professional image. Trainers who excel in corporate training arena use practical hands-on methodologies such as demonstration, videos, feedback’s, interactions, playbacks, observations and discussions to ensure there is learning through doing and objectives are achieved. “Such programs are conducted by senior and well experienced trainers with emphasis on practical methodologies. Varied activities are devised as part of training programs to enable experiential learning in individuals. The experience we have in the arena - to be able to understand the needs and requirements of the clients splendidly have paved way for us to conduct training programs where every single session is highly customized and has a personal touch,” says Kauser.
The company arranges programs that comprises of group discussions, debates and lot of different kinds of activities to practically improve a candidate’s communicating abilities. Candidates are evaluated regularly with emphasis on their verbal communication, non verbal communication listening skills.
PROTOCOL’s Personality Development programs involve confidence building sessions, improving communication skills, creating positive mind frame, awareness on body language, conscious and subconscious mind programming. They train candidates about the importance of health and fitness and importance of dressing to create first good impressions in workplace. The company also organizes highly interactive leadership training sessions to assist business leaders, whether first-time supervisors or tenured senior executives explore the journey of leadership maturity by focusing on the behavioral shifts necessary to transition from excellent doing to excellent leading and identifying specific ways to magnify leadership impact as business and responsibilities scale.“Self awareness equips a person to be confident in anything that they are doing. The benefits that the clients reap from our services make them maintain a relationship; make them change to better human beings, not only personally but also professionally. There is an overall effect on the clients from our sessions that help them become better people at organizations and at home. We have multiple sessions covering a single subject every month. Clients come to us with multiple challenges to cover within limited time. If required, we cut down the number of topics to be covered and bring in a case study to cover all the points the clients yearn for,” says Fareed.
Additionally, the company also carries out women specific programs that help women discover self potential, align individual visions and goals of the organization, develop positive attitude by overcoming negative behavior, handling interpersonal skills better, maintaining work life balance, amongst others. “We have devoted our passion and commitment into every training module-both for individuals and corporates. Simultaneously, we have believed and ensured constantly to change an individual to a better person, both personally and professionally,” Fareed adds.
Achieve Success with PROTOCOL
With a simple three step process of understanding,analyzing and execution, PROTOCOL has created an aroma of confidence, creativity and connection among their clients and has won National Award for Excellence in Corporate Training by Education Ministry-Government of India along with other numerous
Team PROTOCOL specifically designs their training programs for groups who yearn for polishing their skills and improving their professional image
Reap Benefits with PROTOCOL Corporate Training Programs
While the success of an organization is dependent on many different factors there is enough evidence in the real world around us to suggest that it pays to take care of how we project ourselves with our clients or coworkers. Believing this, team PROTOCOL specifically designs their training programs for groups who yearn for polishing their skills and improving their professional image. Trainers who excel in corporate training arena use practical hands-on methodologies such as demonstration, videos, feedback’s, interactions, playbacks, observations and discussions to ensure there is learning through doing and objectives are achieved. “Such programs are conducted by senior and well experienced trainers with emphasis on practical methodologies. Varied activities are devised as part of training programs to enable experiential learning in individuals. The experience we have in the arena - to be able to understand the needs and requirements of the clients splendidly have paved way for us to conduct training programs where every single session is highly customized and has a personal touch,” says Kauser.
The company arranges programs that comprises of group discussions, debates and lot of different kinds of activities to practically improve a candidate’s communicating abilities. Candidates are evaluated regularly with emphasis on their verbal communication, non verbal communication listening skills.
PROTOCOL’s Personality Development programs involve confidence building sessions, improving communication skills, creating positive mind frame, awareness on body language, conscious and subconscious mind programming. They train candidates about the importance of health and fitness and importance of dressing to create first good impressions in workplace. The company also organizes highly interactive leadership training sessions to assist business leaders, whether first-time supervisors or tenured senior executives explore the journey of leadership maturity by focusing on the behavioral shifts necessary to transition from excellent doing to excellent leading and identifying specific ways to magnify leadership impact as business and responsibilities scale.“Self awareness equips a person to be confident in anything that they are doing. The benefits that the clients reap from our services make them maintain a relationship; make them change to better human beings, not only personally but also professionally. There is an overall effect on the clients from our sessions that help them become better people at organizations and at home. We have multiple sessions covering a single subject every month. Clients come to us with multiple challenges to cover within limited time. If required, we cut down the number of topics to be covered and bring in a case study to cover all the points the clients yearn for,” says Fareed.
Additionally, the company also carries out women specific programs that help women discover self potential, align individual visions and goals of the organization, develop positive attitude by overcoming negative behavior, handling interpersonal skills better, maintaining work life balance, amongst others. “We have devoted our passion and commitment into every training module-both for individuals and corporates. Simultaneously, we have believed and ensured constantly to change an individual to a better person, both personally and professionally,” Fareed adds.
Achieve Success with PROTOCOL
With a simple three step process of understanding,analyzing and execution, PROTOCOL has created an aroma of confidence, creativity and connection among their clients and has won National Award for Excellence in Corporate Training by Education Ministry-Government of India along with other numerous
accolades. “We have just worked hard to make PROTOCOL an international brand. We were just committed to what we were doing and we will continue to do the same,” mentions Kauser Khan.
PROTOCOL does not work only towards commercial success but strives for the development of people. The company over the years has created leaders in the organization and has worked as a family where each of the employees acts responsibly to achieve success. With this essence, in the years to come, PROTOCOL has plans to expand their services to all the present organizations, and more other corporates. They also have taken initiatives to expand their operations globally. “All our hard work and commitment has paid off. Whatever we have received from the society, from our teachers, from the nation, we are giving back in our own way,” asserts Fareed enthusiastically.
Kauser Khan, Founder and Managing Director
Kauser is a high energy International Premium Lead Corporate Trainer with an International Certification on Etiquette and Grooming. She has 26 years of global experience in areas of Personality Development, International Business Etiquette, Power Dressing, Cross-cultural Sensitization, Lead Programs, Advisory Workshops, Body Language, WOW Programs (Women Of the World), Communication Engineering for Corporate professionals and Image Enhancing. She is recognized and rated as one of the finest Corporate trainers in India today. Kauser khan is an Image Stylist , a Columnist who writes in Deccan Herald, Women Planet, Times Of India, Deccan Chronicles, DNA and magazines like Outlook to name a few. She is Passionate about her work and has the ability to relate with a wide range of people across levels including Leadership, Senior Managers, Managers, Advisors, HR& Students. Her Soft Skill Training sessions High Impact Professional, Communication Engineering, Executive Presence & Global Professional have been highly appreciated and made mandatory programs, in organizations like Robert Bosch, Accenture, Mercedes Benz, SAP India, IFB, Syngene, BBRC, Biocon International, to name just a few. She has been working as an Image builder to Celebrities, Beauty Pageants, Politicians and Page 3 people and groomed CEO’s for their professions.
Fareed Hafeez, Promoter
Fareed is an Engineer in Electronics. His forte being Sales and Marketing, has been associated with many reputed companies as their Head in Sales and Marketing. He is also an expert in Customer Relationship Management and People Management. He was responsible for making major strategic and marketing plans for various companies. Known as A Perfect Gentleman, polite, empathetic and gentle in his mannerisms, tone and personality has been rated very high in delivery. Fareed is a Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Corporate Trainer, Sales, Soft Skills and Leadership Trainer. His training has been identified as a Phenomenal Learning Experience(PLE)from Accenture. He has 24 years of experience in various companies that enriches him as a much sought after Keynote Speaker, Prolific Orator and Motivator.
Mercedes Benz
Larsen & Toubro
Corporate Training
Executive Coaching
Executive Presence
Business Communication
Campus To Corporate Training
Image Consultation
Leadership Training
Personality Development
Pre-Placement and Interview
Skills Training
Women Specific Programmes
Soft Skills Training
Dining Etiquette
Effective Communication Skills
Presentation Skills
Children Workshops
Spoken English Classes
PROTOCOL does not work only towards commercial success but strives for the development of people. The company over the years has created leaders in the organization and has worked as a family where each of the employees acts responsibly to achieve success. With this essence, in the years to come, PROTOCOL has plans to expand their services to all the present organizations, and more other corporates. They also have taken initiatives to expand their operations globally. “All our hard work and commitment has paid off. Whatever we have received from the society, from our teachers, from the nation, we are giving back in our own way,” asserts Fareed enthusiastically.
Kauser Khan, Founder and Managing Director
Kauser is a high energy International Premium Lead Corporate Trainer with an International Certification on Etiquette and Grooming. She has 26 years of global experience in areas of Personality Development, International Business Etiquette, Power Dressing, Cross-cultural Sensitization, Lead Programs, Advisory Workshops, Body Language, WOW Programs (Women Of the World), Communication Engineering for Corporate professionals and Image Enhancing. She is recognized and rated as one of the finest Corporate trainers in India today. Kauser khan is an Image Stylist , a Columnist who writes in Deccan Herald, Women Planet, Times Of India, Deccan Chronicles, DNA and magazines like Outlook to name a few. She is Passionate about her work and has the ability to relate with a wide range of people across levels including Leadership, Senior Managers, Managers, Advisors, HR& Students. Her Soft Skill Training sessions High Impact Professional, Communication Engineering, Executive Presence & Global Professional have been highly appreciated and made mandatory programs, in organizations like Robert Bosch, Accenture, Mercedes Benz, SAP India, IFB, Syngene, BBRC, Biocon International, to name just a few. She has been working as an Image builder to Celebrities, Beauty Pageants, Politicians and Page 3 people and groomed CEO’s for their professions.
Fareed Hafeez, Promoter
Fareed is an Engineer in Electronics. His forte being Sales and Marketing, has been associated with many reputed companies as their Head in Sales and Marketing. He is also an expert in Customer Relationship Management and People Management. He was responsible for making major strategic and marketing plans for various companies. Known as A Perfect Gentleman, polite, empathetic and gentle in his mannerisms, tone and personality has been rated very high in delivery. Fareed is a Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Corporate Trainer, Sales, Soft Skills and Leadership Trainer. His training has been identified as a Phenomenal Learning Experience(PLE)from Accenture. He has 24 years of experience in various companies that enriches him as a much sought after Keynote Speaker, Prolific Orator and Motivator.
Mercedes Benz
Larsen & Toubro
Corporate Training
Executive Coaching
Executive Presence
Business Communication
Campus To Corporate Training
Image Consultation
Leadership Training
Personality Development
Pre-Placement and Interview
Skills Training
Women Specific Programmes
Soft Skills Training
Dining Etiquette
Effective Communication Skills
Presentation Skills
Children Workshops
Spoken English Classes