Your Facebook Friend Can Harm Your Career, Check How!!

Apart from the profile pictures, be careful about what your friends post on your wall. If you have accepted your employer as a friend on the Facebook, then they can easily check out what your friends have posted on your wall. Well, then even this will become a matter of trustworthiness when they see some inappropriate things over there.  Even posting unrelated rumors about your personal or professional life by your friends might harm your career in a very big way all together. Posting anything which contains double meaning in it can also harm your career.

Sometimes your friends can tag you in a picture that can look nasty. Apart from looking after what your friends might do on your profile, even you need to be very careful while you post something on your profile. The only thing you need to understand is that, you cannot control your friends in the same way you control yourself. So, have a good thought before accepting any friend request in the future because if your reputation is trashed once, then it can never ever be changed in the future. So, select friends on Facebook who can be trusted upon in the future, with a bit of commonsense and smartness.