Your Facebook Friend Can Harm Your Career, Check How!!

Many people have the habit of leaving their Facebook profiles without any security. So, this can be an advantage even for your employer because, even if you are not connected with your boss directly on Facebook, they could have all the chances of checking out who your friends are. Profile picture on the Facebook matters a lot, it might be your own profile picture or it can be one of your friend’s profile pictures.

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So, be careful while selecting the profile picture or have a look at the profile picture your friends have on their account because inappropriate profile pictures might make the hiring manager or your employer think upon the bad friends circle you have and they would also think that you might be just acting professionally during the time you spend in the office and your are crazy person during the weekends by partying with a bad friends circle. This type of thought has all the chances of harming your career as your boss would have developed a kind of suspicious attitude towards you.

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