You Can Learn a Lot From Your Mistakes, Know How!

3. Don’t waste your time by justifying your actions:

It is natural that, if a person commits any mistake, he or she tries to first justify that they haven’t done anything wrong and put on the blame on others. But at this time, they won’t know that he or she will be wasting their essential time in which they could have solved any error or started it with a fresh face. The best example Pulkit gives for this is, during our school days, if we fail to get good marks, we start putting the blame on the teacher saying she has not corrected it properly or she has not taught us properly.

But the fact everyone needs to know is, not all the people will be interested in listening to our justifications. So, it is better not to waste time on that in the future.

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4. Mistakes create you an excellent opportunity to learn more:

Whenever you commit any mistake, don’t be embarrassed with it unless and until it is not at all possible to resolve it. The main think you need to know here is that, mistakes help you to learn a lot in your life by your own work or by other people. So, don’t ever leave this opportunity by worrying about the mistake you have committed.

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