You Can Learn a Lot From Your Mistakes, Know How!

1.  Apologizing:

If you have done something wrong which has affected or harmed others work, there is nothing wrong in asking for apology for the mistake you have done. If your mistake was not intentional, you need to explain that unfortunate incident to them and assure them that it won’t be repeated in the future. If you won’t apologize, there are chances of long time hatred feeling in their mind towards you and they might also purposefully go against you in the future.

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2. Don’t be a perfectionist every time:

Being perfectionist about your work every time is good for your success. But, being too perfectionist without even adjusting to some unintentional circumstances is not that good. If you spend your entire life by being scared of committing mistakes in the future, you will be hardly left with quality time to achieve something at that present moment. So, don’t just keep on restricting yourself from doing something in your life. Take a break from your too much of perfectionism and enjoy the work you do every day.

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